If you do not receive a registration card in the mail, contact your state election. To the voter registration deadline in your state in case you need to fill out a new.
How to Use Online Voter Registration Online voter registration is one way to register to vote. Anyone who is eligible to vote can use the online form. This includes Pennsylvanians who are in the military or temporarily living outside Pennsylvania. You can use the online voter registration form on your computer, Android tablet, iPad or smartphone. The online voter registration form is available in English and Spanish. You can also use the online voter registration form to change your name, address, political party affiliation, and tell us whether you need assistance to vote. How to register to vote online This video will guide you through the process of registering to vote online.
If you need assistance, call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772). How to sign the online voter registration form To register to vote, you must submit a signature. Pennsylvania law allows you to sign electronically instead of by hand.
If you register to vote online, you must affirm that you are qualified to vote. Then you can sign the application electronically. The online voter registration application system uses the latest protocols to ensure online data security.