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Form Of Verb


What is a Verb? A verb can be considered as one of the most important parts of a sentence.

  1. Form Of Verb Be
  2. Form Of Verb Ser

You probably already know that a sentence must be composed of a subject and a predicate, so what makes a verb so important? Well, the verb is the main component of a predicate. Without it, there won’t be a sentence, just a bunch of words with an incomplete thought. Simply defined, the verb is a part of speech which is used to demonstrate an action or a state of being. What are the Different Kinds of Verbs?

Form Of Verb Be

Form Of Verb

Form Of Verb Ser

The verb tense indicates the time at which the action of the verb takes place. Past tense verbs, for example, tell us that the action took place in the past. Present tense indicates the action is happening at this very moment, or that it happens regularly in the present state of things, or that it is true up to the present moment. In Passive Constructions. A form of the verb “To be” is combined with a past participle to form the passive. Passive verb constructions are useful when the subject of an action is not as important as what the subject did (the action of the sentence) or when the subject is unknown.

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